Client Testimonials


Thank you, again, for spending time with me and investing in me. I followed your suggestion to read Daring Greatly and finished it moments ago. I enjoyed it "Greatly" and will most certainly read it again. Like you knew, this was for me. I look forward to your suggested readings in the e-mail to the group. You are making a difference in people, specifically me.

Shelly Hinegardner
Rudolph Foods

Hi Caroline,

I thought of you last week when I was at a Touchstone Energy Regional Partner strategic planning session in Vail. You came to mind not only because I know you live in Vail, But also because I found myself referring during the meeting to several things you taught me about defining purpose/mission/values. How fascinating that, despite environmental and contextual changes, and organization's purpose never changes, only how it carries out that purpose. Just wanted to let you know that the work you did at Corn Belt Power has a lasting effect!

Take Care!

Kathy Taylor
Vice President, Corporate Relations
Corn Belt Power Cooperative

Hello Caroline and Michael,

You are both rock stars! Everyone has been talking about how much they learned at the Leadership Summit!

Thanks so much again!

Jackie Thompson
New Hampshire Electric Cooperative,
Manchester, New Hampshire

Caroline and Michael,

I wanted to reinforce what Jackie has already told you that the feedback from all of Senior Managers and all folks that attended the two day summit was simply fantastic. Great time, much fun, many take aways and most enjoyable. The group looked a lot different than a few years ago. Many changes from the last session and there will be more new faces the next time. Looking forward to your efforts with the Warehouse folks. Overall they are a very dedicated group to the organization and the membership and I think they have some growing pains considering they just unionized over the past 1 plus years, are very busy, but do a great job.

Once again thanks!

Jim Bakas
New Hampshire Electric Cooperative,
Manchester, New Hampshire

The information and training sessions that have been provided by Fisher Consulting have been excellent. The most recent session on November 12 and 13 was a Breakthrough Leadership Forum. In my opinion, this is the best training I have every been a part of and the best training our employees have received.

Steve Rinell
CEO, Otsego Electric Cooperative, Inc.

It was a great experience for all of us. I got so much positive feedback from the assessors and others that attended. I've distributed your materials to the group and I think many will share with their staff and other groups. Good stuff!!

Thanks to both of you, Caroline and Michael, for a well-prepared, professional and stimulating day; it is just what the Association was looking for.  And a thank you to you Wendy and Chris for helping in the background. We appreciate all your hard work.

Karen Miller
Conference Organizer
Colorado Assessors Association


You surpassed my expectations! Am just now going through the slides and absolutely laughed out loud at the videos. The article is wonderful as well. (You have suited me up and I thank you so much.) I look forward to meeting you when in Houston; if only I had an office in Vail...I am envious!

Best Regards,

Barbara Reyna
Human Resources Manager
Dynegy Corporation

Caroline & Michael,

Just a note to say 'Thank You' for once again providing everyone with a great and beneficial session! Even though your meetings are 'instructional/training/directional/motivational'...they are also INSPIRATIONAL!

The content as it comes to frution during (and after) the meeting is motivational in and of itself - howver, it is your personalities and beliefs in the process shining in your presentations that truly provides inspiration.

Again, thank you both so much for what you provide but more importantly what you give of yourselves in your presentations!

Len ParsonsManager
Administrative & Facility Services
Blue Grass Energy
Nicholasville, Kentucky

Compassionate = Deep awareness of the feelings of others coupled with the wish to respond to them.

Synonymous with benevolent, charitable, forbearing, humanitarian, merciful, sympathetic, responsive, soft-hearted, sparing, tender, understanding, and warm-hearted.

I guess that's more than one word, but it seem like just one word requires a little explanation as to what you mean by that word.

That is the one quality that I think makes you so valuable to your clients. I think it is also what makesyour firends what to be your friend forever.

Patty Cardellino
Manager of Development
Clinical Technoligies and Services
Sand Diego, California

Thank you for a great job in facilitating an understanding of the science behind the culture modeling.  I really enjoyed the way in which you transitioned from providing an understanding of culture to presenting real-life culture stories and examples.

Rich Leavelle
Chief Operating Officer
Reston, Virginia

Hey C:

Great job. Best speaker I have ever heard.

Tom Laing
Conference Organizer
Touchstone Energy
Raleigh, North Carolina

Thanks go to you Caroline for being such an inspiration and mentor that I felt confident to push myself in to uncharted waters. A lot of why I'm doing this came from what I heard about leadership. I've so appreciated you and the way you can relate to a broad base of people. Our paths MUST cross again! Please send an email or give a call if you're back in December. Maybe a glass of wine or something could be arranged!

Shelly Simonton
Public Relations Director
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

The feedback from the County Commissioners and Department Directors is awesome. Everyone. Can't wait for August! Our commitments to one another were really important. I have distributed the article you gave me and for those that missed the meeting, both handouts.

Thanks for doing such an outstanding job and giving us the tools to move the organization forward.

Nora Fryklund
Director, Human Resources
Eagle County Government
Eagle, Colorado

Great feedback! (See below) - Dawn Knight, Director of Organizational Development, Graphic Packaging, Marietta, Georgia:


This was one of the best training sessions I have attended in a long time. Great training, great accommodation, great food! Thank you for all your hard work in putting this together.

I am 100% aligned to this process, and am excited about getting started at the Kalamazoo Carton facility. This is something that my operators have already been asking for and will welcome the change.  We will have to see if the managers are ready for the same change (I think they are).

Thanks again,

Rob Bradsher
Manager, Graphic Packaging
Marietta, Georgia

Hi All,

Just want to say thank you for a great meeting this week. I know you all worked very hard to make the meeting successful and it was.

I have gotten great feedback from many and specifically Dave and Dwight so I know we hit the mark. It was a nice place and a good combination of fun, recognition, learning and networking.

Many, many thanks--have a great weekend and relax a little.

Cathy Cooney
Vice President of Human Resources, Cardinal Health
Dublin, Ohio


Thank you for the session. The enjoyment was mine for sure.

It was great to catch up with you. I am especially pleased that your ten year anniversary represented ten years of success and a record of making in difference in thousands of lives across so many different sectors of the global economy. That has to feel good!  Will definitely look forward to staying in touch and in seeing some of the material you can share with me.

Gary JuddFormer
Chief Executive Officer, WestStar Bank
Vail, Colorado


I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful experience yesterday's session was for me. I really took away from it a tremendous number of tangible ideas that I am going to work on.

You asked what we got out of response is that you really reinforced the idea that the human spirit has an infinite capacity to change and grow. Thank you for your positive attitude and all that you are bringing to our group.

Lastly, the work that you did with the commissioners was striking. I vote for sending you over to the Middle East to settle that dispute! You are truly a miracle worker.

See you soon.

Helen Michelbrink
County Engineer, Eagle County Government
Eagle, Colorado

Dear Caroline and Michael,

Thanks again for everything. I am sooooo sorry that your job was harder on the second day, which was also harder for us in a way. Andy and I worked hard to find the right location and did not realize the room change was so drastic. So, thank you for helping us make the room barriers work!  We worked so hard, we were sweating! <grin>

It was a true pleasure working with you and we all look forward to more of your brilliant insight and assistance in the future.  We'll be talking very soon.  Thanks again for a fun retreat!  I am still in awe...

Ashley Abbot
Manager & Assistant to the President & CEO
Sport & Health Clubs, USA

Dr. Fisher,

I just wanted to thank you (belatedly) for a wonderful Denison Training. I don't think I've used my brain that much, or been so excited to use what I've learned, in quite a long time. What a great career you have!

Have a wonderful holiday.

Shelley Cadamy
Training Manager & Small Business Management Coordinator
Francis Tuttle Technology Center


I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the seminar yesterday. Once again, it was a great success. Caroline has such wonderful information to share. Just as you do. Please tell her thanks from me, and how much I enjoyed seeing her again.

Also, tell her to have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Thanks also to you for your part of the seminar.Annisa Mueggenborg, RNPre-op/Post-op Coordinator, Oklahoma Spine Hospital, Oklahoma

I don't know how you do it, but I thought this morning's EON session was the best ever! And judging from all the positive verbal and non verbal communication going on around the room, I could tell the rest of the group felt the same way. I feel certain that FT has surpassed every other Executive Leadership Program in the State in terms of quality and commitment.  Thanks.

Darin commented that he came away with more real world techniques than the usual academic examples given in these seminars.  They all thought it was very well done.

Carol Cunningham
Participant, Executive Officer Network
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Caroline - got your message and sounds like you're out of pocket so I'll send this quick note.

We definitely exceeded my expectations -- which is exactly what I told Michael.

I have had so many thank-yous and energized comments. The best one is that Eric and Anna had a 2 hour impromptu meeting this morning about communication and their relationship. What a window we have opened.

Stand back, Sally!

Talk to you soon.  I'm walking on sunshine.

Ann Stringfellow
Vice President, Ecologoy,
McStain Neighborhoods

Hi Caroline,

Thanks for all your help and for what you are doing for Holy Cross Energy.

I enjoyed the “all employee training” on Tuesday – You are an outstanding facilitator. Where do you get the energy?

What I have really taken note of is how you appreciate every answer that is given. No matter how abstract the response, you find a way to make it apply.

Have a great day and thanks again for everything

Rick A. Arnhold
Holy Cross Energy

I have had a great many gratifying accomplishments in my long career.
Tuesday and Thursday ranks right up there at the top. What a rewarding
experience, WOW. I have you all to thank. What a incredible program you

Thanks thanks thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!

Del Worley
CEO, Holy Cross Energy

It was a huge success!  The employees were engaged and very eager to learn.  The translation team did an excellent job and enabled great two way communication.  They definitely had
fun and are ready to help RFC succeed!  We received much appreciation for the training and they were excited for the opportunity to be the first ones trained.

As always, Michael and Caroline "hit it out of the park!"

Thank you so much for giving the employees the opportunity to go through
this training.  You could feel their emotions throughout the entire day.
Just another great example of how great it is to work for RFC!

Michelle Gardner
Human Resources Director
Rudolph Foods, Inc.


Thanks so much for the absolutely fabulous presenation to my students today. You are simply awesome, and the several students who wanted to see me after class said it gave them a real perspective looking at companies.

Peter G. (Jeff) Bowman, Ph.D.
Department of Management, Daniels College of Business

Hi Caroline:

I want to thank you for the excellent training you conducted in Middlebury last week.  Our group of managers came back brimming with excitement and ideas about how to put the “tools” you provided into action here at the Co-op.  We had a managers meeting on Monday where each of those who attended your training shared one learning.  It was amazing the variety responses we had, all very positive.  It is a real credit to you as a trainer that you could keep our sustained focus – despite the uncomfortable chairs!

Victoria J. Brown
General Counsel,Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc.

I wanted to let you know, although I have attended dozens over the years, that for the first time and somewhat surprisingly I’ve caught myself several times already this week applying positive principles you covered. Count me as a belated but sincere fan going forward.

Best regards,

Winston Cutler, VP Strategic Industries
Decision Lens

Thank you so much. We are so lucky to have you and Michael go on these crazy journeys with us. I have gotten awesome feedback from the Monday and Tuesday session. To a person they have sought me out to share it was the best they have ever attended.

John Kealey, CEO
Decision Lens

I wanted to thank you all for organizing the Leadership Conference (and I’m sorry it has taken me a week to send this!). This was one of the best conferences that I have ever been able to attend! Michael and Caroline did an excellent job presenting information and actively engaging us in activities. I’m so happy to be working at a company like NHEC that encourages it’s employees to be empowered and to be a leader, no matter what position one holds within the company. I look forward to taking what I have learned and apply it to my work and also apply it to my personal life. If a follow up conference like this is ever planned, I would be very interested in participating.

Again, thank you!

Chelsea Smith
Consumer Accounts Specialists, New Hampshire Electric Co-op

Hello everyone!I just wanted to send a note off saying thank you for the wonderful two day training at the common man.I found it very informative & I walked out of there feeling like a better employee & overall a better person, I’m excited to start making changes from what I have learned at the conference. I know they talked about possibly having an advanced session later on, or “Part 2”, I think that would be very helpful & would be very interested in taking the second session, should the opportunity present itself.

Thank you again!!

Alicia Melanson
Consumer Accounts, New Hampshire Electric Co-op

Hi Michael and Caroline,

I wanted to send a note of gratitude for all of your work with us last week.  The two days were terrific and you both had such a nice mix of methods, content, and personality that made our time together productive, enjoyable, and outcome-based. I learned a number of things about myself, our team, and our company. When I told my nephew (12) I could now juggle (somewhat), he wanted to come work for DL because he couldn’t believe that people can learn to juggle at work HA.

The content was good. I thought it was very cool how in the middle of the agenda you were able to pivot and bring the execs in for a discussion without missing a beat.  I also recognize it’s not always easy having a bunch of facilitators as attendees.  No doubt, we are quite a crowd and I thought it was all well-done. I appreciate all of the time you spent on preparing and getting us through the two days.

Caroline, you had mentioned that you might be able to share a bibliography/list of references. I would love to take a look and read through some of the books/materials that you have compiled.

Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards,

Michael Castrilli
Director, Decision Lens University

Mike and Caroline,

Thanks for facilitating a great session on Wednesday. The 2014 ‘Board Advance’ session was successful.  You helped the board keep our eyes on the big picture!  You did a great job keeping us on task and focused on the mission at hand.  I appreciate both of your support and the HCE board and organization are both better off having you involved with our company.

Thanks again.

Michael Glass
President, Alpine Bank Vail

I am so thankful and blessed to be able to work with both of you.  I learn from you both all the time and you are both such a joy to work with.  The fun positive spirit you bring to this company and all those you touch is awesome.  I can’t wait to do the rest of the locations and our next round of surveys.Have a fantastic week!

Michelle Gardner
Director Human Resource & Safety
Rudolph Foods

Dear Caroline,

Its easy to look down (and up) but for a Board, such as ours, what we really needed was a method of looking inward.  I, as did others, find that very difficult.  You made it possible.  By breaking down our job into various areas we could focus on, see where we were, and where we needed to go.  Doing this allowed us to focus on areas we probably knew were there but certainly weren't putting enough time or effort into. The Board is committed to maintaining NHEC'S  culture for both us and the employees. It was an easy decision to bring you on as part of our CEO hiring process.- Earl


Thank you and Caroline for giving a great Leadership Forum. All employees were very thankful for the opportunity to be involved. We all look forward in the future to apply our learning’s and move the bar from a good company to a great company as a TEAM.  Again Thanks

Anthony Caprella
Plant Manager, Rudolph Foods, Atlanta

Hi Caroline and Chris,
What a privilege it was to observe the UPLA Emersion session these last two
days! You and Michael delivered an impactful, engaging, and creative
learning experience. Stand-outs for me were the pre-work assignment, the
commitment to juggling as metaphor, the red-black exercise, the UPLA
website, and the darling Gnome. The time flew by, which is a testimony to
your skillful instructional design and facilitation skills.

All the best -Jodi

Caroline was extremely personable and had done her homework on my background. She was well prepared when I started my session.

Caroline had a very good style in asking questions, but also showing her knowledge and expert insight with me. I was able to gain a lot of value for my future work and life. Depth of Knowledge and experience. "The Real Deal". A personable approach and a great style.

Caroline was fantastic. She helped me walk through how to interrupt certain outliers in my assessment data and what it might mean in terms of a development plan. She also helped me focus on concrete actions to meet the priorities/objectives.

Caroline was informed about me and well versed in the various ways I can apply my learnings from CCL. She is warm and approachable. I appreciated her industry knowledge that she shared with me. My had a truly dynamic conversation.

I found Caroline very challenging and useful. I was surprised by how the conversation flowed. We went deep very quickly, which was painful for me but is what I wanted.

Caroline is great - I've already taken 2 opportunities to share tidbits / tips that
she's shared with me.


I cannot thank you enough for last week. The impact it has and will have on the team is critical to our success and quite honestly to our psychological wellness. We had our first Executive Team Meeting yesterday and it was very different.I have high hopes for the team and am committed to following through with more a disciplined approach than before.

MaryAnne Rose
SpenDifference LLC

“…it is our pleasure each and every time Caroline and Michael visit.   The riches we gain from this partnership are invaluable.”

Sally Lumbra
HR Manager
Vermont Electric Coop


Thank you for all that you have given to us. Mike and I we remarking on how challenging your lives on the road must be. You are making such a difference in the lives of all of us and we appreciate that so much. We are all stronger because of you!  We will be in touch. Safe travels back home.

Victoria Brown
Vermont Electric Coop

Caroline, THANK YOU for a more than successful day.  I was so very pleased with the results today.  Our CEC employees performed well and made me more than proud. I am so looking forward to the results to be delivered.  I just need you to be a full time CEC employee – you bring out the best in all.  You are such an inspiration to our team. Thank you again for all that you have done.

Jia Johnson
Choctaw Electric Coop


I just wanted to send a note to say thank you for the great session last week! I have heard great feedback/buzz about the program and I enjoyed how applicable it was to the work we are doing now. And selfishly, it is always great to see you both and spend time with you. I love the dynamic you have going between you! And I always learn something new.

Jennifer Schmelter
Manager, Cast Development

Hi Caroline,

I just wanted to reach out and say Thank you!  During my time at CCL and with your coaching, things have really taken off for me and my team.  A few weeks after our follow up call, I was pulled into a global project (literally asked on a Friday if I could fly to Sweden on Saturday to join in this international project by my boss) and thanks to you and all of the great resources, I had the courage to say “Yes!”.  Since then, I have not only been joining higher level meetings and learning about what is happening overall in our company but speaking and adding my input.  Within a year I have gone from just getting invited to our company wide top level international summit meeting to having input on or presenting pieces of almost all of the topics being presented out in this years meeting.  It is amazing what can happen when you get out of your comfort zone and go for what you really want! I could not have imagined having the courage and strength to be able to do this before and am so incredibly grateful for the discussions and advice.  One of my favorite experiences have been watching people who I look up and respect, be completely impressed by what I am capable of.Thank you so very much.  I sincerely wish you all the best and hope all is going well for you.

All the Best,

Quality Lead
Thorlabs Inc.