Conference Presentations

Dr. Fisher has been invited to speak at numerous conferences around the world with a focus on organizational culture and its importance for business performance.  The following are specific topics delivered in the context of keynotes, presentations and workshops.  Materials are available upon request.  If you are interested in having Caroline Fisher or the Fisher Consulting team support your upcoming conference, don't hesitate to let us know.  Contact Fisher Consulting Group at (970) 390-9420 or [email protected].

PEO- Chapter GK Fresno, CA (July 14, 2016) INSPIRATION, POSSIBILITIES & LEADERSHIP IN THE HIGH HIMALAYA:Lessons and Learning from Nepal

University of Denver; (May 19, 2015) Like it or Not… Culture Matters: Linking Corporate Culture to Business Performance, Health & Sustainability of Results

Northeast Association of Electric Cooperatives Conference - North Conway, NH (May 16, 2014). "Like it or Not…Culture Matters: Organizational Culture & Its Importance for Your Cooperative"

LeadingAge CA, Annual Conference: - Palm Springs, CA (May 7, 2014). "Like it or not… Culture Matters! Linking Culture to Business Results, and Far More"

LeadingAge CA, Human Resources Conference: The Role in Building, Defining, and Leading Professionals - Burbank, CA (August 13, 2013).  "HR's Role in Building, Defining and Leading Organizational Culture"

Peaks Foundation - Golden, CO (July 26-28, 2013).  "Navigating Life: Women Taking the Lead in the 21st Century"

Colorado Rural Electric Association - Denver, CO (March 13, 2013).  "Like it or Not...Culture Matters: Organizational Culture & Its Importance for Your Cooperative"

Peak-to-Peak Annual Conference - Golden, CO (July 26, 2013).  "Women Taking the Lead in the 21st Century - Women's Path to Leadership in Today's World"

Colorado Human Resources Association (CHRA) Annual Conference - Denver, CO (January 18, 2013).  "Corporate Culture & Change: Understanding the Mysteries and Challenges of 'Change' in Today's Organizations - and Unlocking 'Change Friendliness' within the Culture of Your Company"

Denison Best Practices Forum - Del Rey Beach, FL (January 16, 2013).  "Introduction to the Denison Model & Tools"

PEO, Chapter GK - Fresno, CA (September 13, 2012).  "Women Taking the Lead in the 21st Century" (Second Part of a Two Part Series: "The Influence of Woman in Business Today: The Dawn of Women in Corporate Leadership")

University of Denver, Department of Management: Policy and Strategy, Dr. Peter (Jeff) Bowen - Denver, CO (February 7, 2012).  "Like it or Not... Culture Matters: Linking Corporate Culture to Strategy, Policy and Bottom Line Business Performance"

Colorado Human Resource Association, 2012 CHRA Human Resources Conference - Denver, CO (January 20, 2012).  "Like It or Not Culture Matters: Linking Corporate Culture to Bottom Line Business Performance"

Team Resources, Inc, Misión GTH 2011 - Houston, TX (October 20, 2011).  "Building High Performance Organizations: Impacting Business Strategy & Corporate Performance through Organizational Culture"

National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation Forum 2011: New Decade, New Opporutnities: Building Bridges in the City by the Bay - San Francisco, CA (June 11-15, 2011).  "CEO Succession Planning: Building the Bridge to Your Cooperative's Future"

University of Denver, Executive Management Lecture Series - Denver, CO (May 2, 2011).  "Organizational Culture & Corporate Performance...Using Culture to Drive Organizational Performance & Sustainability!"

Get Smart Schools - Denver, CO (April, 2011).  "Leading and Managing Change in Education: Perspectives and Tools for Today's Leaders"

National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation Independent Borrowers Executive Summit 2010 - San Diego, CA (November 15-17, 2010).  "Building a High Performance Workplace through Culture & Rewards: Weaving Together Organizational Culture and Compensation Practices for Success & Sustainability"

University of Denver, Class Session - Denver, CO (October 28, 2010).  "Bringing Corporate Culture to Life: The Basics of Organizational Culture - and Why It Matters More than Anything!"

University of Denver, Keynote Presentation - Denver, CO (October 28, 2010).  "You Be The Judge! Our Very Own Culture Survey Reality Show! Linking Culture Data to Real Life Business Issues"

The Summit on Compensation and Rewards: A Symposium with Leading  Experts on Utility Management, Compensation and Rewards - Spokane, WA  (June 10 & 11, 2010).  "Culture and Workforce Sustainability:  Using (Your) Organization's Culture to Support and Enhance (Your)  Recruitment, Retention and Compensation Success"

National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation: IBES - Tuscon,  AZ (November, 2009).  "Leading in Tough Times" (Presentation Postponed - Materials Available)

In conjunction with Linkage Inc. - Chicago, IL (2009).  "Organizational Culture & Change: Driving Performance With State-Of-The-Art Tools"

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Workshop - Madison, WI (2009).  "Real  Life Stories From The Road: Up-Close and Personal With Organizations  That Have Walked The "Culture Development" Path (News You Can Use As  HR/OD Professionals!)"

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Keynote Presentation - Madison, WI (2009). "In  Times of Trouble: How Your Organization's Culture Will Either Help or  Hinder Performance, Resilience and Sustainability In Today's Economy  (And...What All This Means For HR/OD Professionals!)"

TSE Member Satisfaction Summit - Raleigh, NC (2008).  "The Importance of Culture: How Organizational Culture (Really Does) Impact Customer Satisfaction!"

Linkage International - Boston, MA (2008).  "Organizational Culture and Change: A Workshop on Culture Change and Leadership Development"

Linkage OD Summit - Chicago, IL (2008).  "Organizational Culture and Diagnosis: A Workshop for Leveragng Change"

Linkage OD Summit - Chicago, IL (2008).  "Employee Surveys: Bridging the Gap between Implementation and Action"

Denison Consulting Roundtable - Phoenix, AZ (2008).  "The Culture "Sales" Process: Learnings, Insights & Best Practices!"

TSE Member Satisfaction Summit - Raleigh, NC (2007).  "Organizational Culture & Cooperative Performance: The Foundation of Success"

Linkage OD Summit - Chicago IL (2007).  "Corporate Culture and the Wide Range of Tools, Methods and Philosophies: What is a Manager to Do?  An Exploration of Options and Choices for Moving Organizational Culture Forward"

Global Heathcare Exchange (GHX) Customer Summit - Orlando, FL (2007).  "Implementing Change in Your Environment"

Bowling Green State University (2007).  "Measuring Designing and Developing an Organization Culture"

Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP): 21st Annual Conference - Dallas, TX (2006).  "Creating Change through Leadership Development"

Changing the Game Forum - Beaver Creek, CO (2005).  "The Role of Boards of Directors in Shaping Corporate Culture"

Denison Forum - Boca Raton, FL (2005).  "Making the Merger Work: Stories of the Merger Integration Challenge"

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association: CEO Leadership Conference - Tampa, FL (2005).  "Corporate Culture: CEO Perspectives and Duties"

Colorado State Judicial Conference - Denver, CO (2004).  "Culture and the Courtroom: Using Culture to Create a High Performance Courtroom"

P.E.O. - Annual Meeting - Fresno, CA (2004).  "The Influence of Women in Businss Today - The Dawn of Women in Corporate Leadership"

Association of Business Psychologists: Annual Conference - Coventry, England (2004).  "Building the High Performing Organization: Linking Culture to the Bottom Line and Beyond"

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association: Annual Human Resources Conference - San Diego, CA (2004).  "Corporate Culture and Business Performance: Using Culture to Drive Results at the Team, Department and Organizational Levels"

Association of Large Distribution Cooperatives - Bartlett, NH (2003).  "Culture's Impact on Cooperative Operations"

Kansas Electric Annual Conference - Kansas City (2003).  "Using Organizational Culture to Drive Business Performance" & "T.E.A.M. Spells Success"

Human Resources Forum, Europe - Genoa, Italy (2002).  "Top Team Management: How to Hold onto Your "A" Team"

American Psychology Association - Division 13 Midwinter Conference - San Antonio, TX (2002).  "Corporate Culture & Performance: Using Organizational Culture to Drive Bottom Line Results"

Touchstone Energy Challenge - Fort Dodge, IA (2002).  "Choose to Lead...the Art of Multi-Level Leadership"

Northeast Rural Electric Cooperatives Meeting - Burlington, VT (2001).  "Creating the High Performance Organization: Linking Corporate Culture to the Bottom Line"

Linkage Inc.'s International Organizational Development Conference - Brussels (2001).  "Assessing and Developing Your Organization's Culture"

Linkage Inc's Change 2001 Conference - San Francisco, CA (2001).  "Linking Culture and the Bottom Line"

Lotus Notes Lotusphere Conference - Berlin (2000).  "Using Corporate Culture to Drive Performance"

Linkage Inc's Change 2000 Conference - San Francisco, CA (2000).  "Linking Culture and the Bottom Line"

Cooperative Financial Corporation (CFC) Annual Conference - San Diego, CA (2000).  "Linking Culture and the Bottom Line"

Jamaica Association of Training and Development - Montego Bay (1999).  "Corporate Culture and Bottom-Line Business Results"

American Society for Training & Development - San Francisco, CA (1998); Atlanta, GA (1999).  "Corporate Culture and the Bottom Line"

Colorado Mountain College Business Conference - Vail, CO (1998).  "Common Goals, Values and Culture...Creating the High Performance Business Culture"

Cordillera Culture and Change Conference - Edwards, CO (1998).  "Mergers and Corporate Culture"