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                        return false; //Stoped each loop 

                    if (elIndex <= mLparentIndex[i + 1] || elIndex >= mLparentIndex[mLparentIndex.length - 1]) {

                        if (!mLparentIndex.includes(index)) { //Check if not index already insert 
                            mLdomArrayElement.push(element); // Incert subitem element in dom array
                            mLparentIndex.push(index); // incert subitem index in indexPush array

                elIndex++; // increase element index value

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            mLdomArrayElement = []; // Make dom array element empty. 

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        $(`${targetElement} li`).each(function (index, element) {
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                    lastMlElementIndex = index;


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                if (lastChildIndex == index) {
                    return false;

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    function remove_text(textClass, replacedText) {

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        mLhasSubmenuEL.each(function () {
            if ($(this).find("> a:first").text().includes(replacedText)) {
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                $(this).find("> a:first").text(textFull.replaceAll(replacedText, ""));

    function megamenu(hasMegaMenuClasses = "menu-item-has-megamenu", col = 3, item_slice = 4, hasMegaMenuDetectText = "[has_megamenu]", submenuUlClasses = "ghost-submenu") {
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        let titleText = [];
        let titleIndex = 0;
        megaMenuEl.each(function (index, element) {
            if ($(this).text().includes("[title]")) {

        for (let i = 0; i < megaMenuEl.length; i += item_slice) {
            megaMenuEl.slice(i, i + item_slice).wrapAll(`<div class='col-md-${col}'></div>`);
            // console.log(titleText[i]);
            // console.log(titleText);

        for (let i = 0; i < titleText.length; i++) {
            $(`.${submenuUlClasses} > div:eq(${i})`).prepend(`<h6 class="megamenu-title-text text-danger">${titleText[i]}</h6>`);
            $(".megamenu-title-text").text(titleText[i].replaceAll("[title]", ""));
        remove_text(hasMegaMenuClasses, hasMegaMenuDetectText);

    function ghost_dropdown(options) {

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        let defultOptions = {
            targetElement: "nav.ul li",
            hasChildrenClasses: "menu-item-has-children",
            hasChildDetectText: "[has_child]",
            hasChildrenIcon: "<svg width='19' height='10' viewBox='0 0 19 10' fill='none' xmlns=''><path d='M1.74805 1.52002L9.54883 9.00002L17.3496 1.52002' stroke='currentColor' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/></svg>",
            hasMegaMenuDetectText: "[has_megamenu]",
            hasMegaMenuClasses: "menu-item-has-megamenu",
            submenuUlClasses: "ghost-submenu",
            subitemDetectText: "[subitem]",
            subitemLiClasses: "subitem"

        //Marge defaultOptions 
        options = {

        // Target Element
        let targetElement = options.targetElement;

        //Default value 
        let hasChildrenClasses = options.hasChildrenClasses;
        let hasChildDetectText = options.hasChildDetectText;
        let hasMegaMenuClasses = options.hasMegaMenuClasses;
        let hasMegaMenuDetectText = options.hasMegaMenuDetectText;
        let hasChildrenIcon = options.hasChildrenIcon;
        let submenuUlClasses = options.submenuUlClasses;
        let subitemDetectText = options.subitemDetectText;
        let subitemLiClasses = options.subitemLiClasses;

        // Declare neccesary variable
        let parentEl = $(targetElement);
        let childEL = $(targetElement);
        let parentLen = 0;
        let domArrayElement = [];
        let indexPush = [];
        let elIndex = 0;
        let parentIndex = [];


        let that;
        // Find Dropdown parent element
        parentEl.each(function (index, element) {
            if ($(this).text().indexOf(hasChildDetectText) >= 0) {
                parentIndex.push(index); // Make dropdown parent array index

                $(this).addClass(hasChildrenClasses); // Add claas in dropdown   element

                $(this).append(`<ul class='${submenuUlClasses}'></ul>`); // Append submenu element

                $(targetElement).css("opacity", "1");

            if ($(this).text().includes(hasMegaMenuDetectText)) {
                that = $(this);

        $(targetElement).css("opacity", "1");


            $(targetElement).css("opacity", "1");

        // Using loop to reach dropdown parent element
        for (let i = 0; i < parentLen; i++) {

            elIndex = 0 // Initial elemet value

            // Find subitem element
            childEL.each(function (index, element) {
                let subitem = $(this).text().includes(subitemDetectText); // Find subitem element

                if (subitem) {

                    if (elIndex >= parentIndex[i + 1]) { // Each loop will be break
                        return false; //Stoped each loop 

                    if (elIndex <= parentIndex[i + 1] || elIndex >= parentIndex[parentIndex.length - 1]) {

                        if (!indexPush.includes(index)) { //Check if not index already insert 
                            $(this).addClass(subitemLiClasses); // Add class in subitem element
                            let st = $(this).children().text(); // Find subitem inner text
                            $(this).children().text(st.replaceAll(subitemDetectText, "")); // Replace subitem inner text

                            domArrayElement.push(element); // Incert subitem element in dom array
                            indexPush.push(index); // incert subitem index in indexPush array


                elIndex++; // increase element index value

            $(`.${hasChildrenClasses} ul.${submenuUlClasses}:eq(${i})`).append(domArrayElement); // Append related subitem dom element into submenu 

            domArrayElement = []; // Make dom array element empty. 

        remove_text(hasChildrenClasses, hasChildDetectText);

        if (options.multi_level) {
        if (options.mega_menu) {
            megamenu(hasMegaMenuClasses, 3, 4, hasMegaMenuDetectText, submenuUlClasses);


    $(document).ready(function () {
            targetElement: "ul#nav li",
            hasChildrenClasses: "menu-item-has-children",
            hasChildrenIcon: "<svg width='19' height='10' viewBox='0 0 19 10' fill='none' xmlns=''><path d='M1.74805 1.52002L9.54883 9.00002L17.3496 1.52002' stroke='currentColor' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/></svg>",
            hasChildDetectText: "[has_child]",
            submenuUlClasses: "ghost-submenu",
            subitemDetectText: "[subitem]",
            subitemLiClasses: "subitem",
            multi_level: true,
            mega_menu: true
